This fundamental course aims to support volunteers in understanding their responsibilities regarding safeguarding procedures
Enhance service design, build relationships and transform the functioning of those we support
Managing boundaries and service user disclosure
Training and Support for front-line staff during the coronavirus crisis
Understanding complex and entrenched behavioural patterns with compassion and care
Everything you need to know about de-escalation
Learn to develop personalised approaches that intervene effectively to support service users
Recognising and working with different mental health presentations and functional difficulties.
Everything you need to know about developing and delivering a PIE approach
Re-formulating ‘challenging behaviour’ and behaviour change through praise and reward
Sponsored by the Mayor of London’s Rough Sleeping Innovation Fund
This fundamental course aims to support all frontline staff in understanding their responsibilities regarding Safeguarding Adult procedures
How to recognise and respond to concerns over the safety of children
Shift the focus from trying to understand problems to supporting the development of solutions.
Understanding the processes of burnout, vicarious trauma and building staff resilience.
Recommended best practice in all support and care settings and are crucial for working with issues of trauma, power and inequality.
Learn about the importance of good supervision and its role in improving practice, enhancing development and protecting against burnout
This course will support you to understand the relationship between multiple complex needs and trauma.
Supporting people who use drugs and alcohol
Skills for frontline staff working with those who pose a risk to self and others.
Understanding and meeting the needs of women experiencing multiple disadvantage
A psychologically-informed approach to working with people who commit offences